Monthly Archives: June 2012

“For those who like the melding of Victorian culture with the fantastic fantasy of reality-bending science fiction, this one will be right up their alley. Think: Oliver Twist meets League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” For more, check out Review: Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina. How very kind! Thank you, Readers’ Realm!

A recent ad on Craigslist went something like this: “Ugly Betty, our rescue chick, finally showed its true sexuality…..Now Handsome Benny has a new dilemma. Its new foster parents have decided to split the bedsheets (divorce) and have decided not to bring him home to a hostile environment. Now I’m begging for new foster parents…

People sometimes ask me, “Where do you get your ideas?” That’s a valid question–I’d sure like to know where George R.R. Martin gets his! But for me, the answer is, “I keep my eyes and ears open, and then this thing happens in my head, and then x, y, and z get tossed in, and…

An old proverb that no Native American person probably ever said goes something like, “You can’t judge another man unless you walk a mile in his moccasins.” That may be true in life … but for me, it’s certainly true when I’m writing. Because I’m a costumer. Several years ago I was researching a Regency…