Monthly Archives: July 2014

Oregano oil for toenail fungus I get my pedicures from a lady who’s a cross between a cosmetologist and an herbalist. Toenail fungus is a disgusting problem that lots of people have but don’t want to admit to … but she gave me a cure for it. Mix 4 parts grapeseed oil and 1 part…

Black cherry juice for gout My chiropractor, Harriet Segelcke, who is also deeply interested in homeopathic medicine, told me a simple cure for gout—a painful condition where uric acid forms crystals in the joints (often the toes). A glass or two of black cherry juice per day over a week will dissolve the crystals and…

Cleavers One of the most humble weeds, the sticky one with the burrs called cleavers, is good for clearing the lymphatic system. Simply crush up several stems of the fresh plant, add in some orange calendula petals, and pour a quart of hot water over it to make a tea. Strain out the plant matter,…

Since put Lady of Devices on sale back in the spring, many, many listeners have been introduced to the Magnificent Devices world. They’ve raced through books two and three, and I’ve had lots of reader mail asking for book four. Fiona Hardingham and I are just going into production on the audiobook for Brilliant…